Why The Warm Up?

“Warm up?! Who has time for that?” This is an all too common response reaction in our fast-paced world… but the truth is, proper warm up is imperative for optimal sport and exercise performance.

My name is Dr. Anika Arevalo, DPT and I am a running specialist with over 15 years of experience running marathons, middle distance races, and cross country at a collegiate level. All you need is 10 minutes. Yes, just 10 meaningful minutes! Not convinced? Read on to learn 5 key reasons why the warm up before physical exercise is important, and why it’s in your best interest to make the time – whether you are training for an event or simply incorporating physical activity to stay healthy in everyday life. A proper warm up can help prevent injuries for runner’s and athletes of all types. It reduces the likelihood of tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, jumper’s knee, low back pain, Achilles pain, and various other injuries.

Advantageous changes take place in the body during a warm up. Blood flow increases, oxygen and nutrients are more quickly delivered to your cells, to prepare the body for the physical stress induced by exercise. If you bypass the warm up process, the body may function less efficiently, and the quality of your workouts can suffer.


Reason #1: It gets your heart rate up.

Allowing for a gradual increase in heart rate allows your body to progressively adjust to the workload and potential environmental or climate changes. This is important to avoid cramping, prevent early onset of fatigue, and to improve breath control.

Reason #2: It lubricates your joints.

Oftentimes, your joints don’t get enough movement or lubrication throughout the day (especially for those with desk jobs). Most of the joints in your body are synovial joints with a layer of cartilage surrounding them. In between the layers of cartilage is synovial fluid which lubricates your joints (think natures WD-40), so you can move with more ease and less stiffness. The only way to get this fluid to move effectively is through movement; as with warming up before exercise.

Reason #3: It warms up your muscles.

A proper warm up shuttles blood quickly and efficiently into your muscles, which in turn provides them with more oxygen. Oxygen is the fuel that keeps them working properly. It’s also important to note that doing an exercise-specific warm up is KEY. For example, if you are incorporating squats into your workout, addressing hip mobility in the warm up would be advisable. So if you translate that into running, doing a dynamic like the one below would be good to carry into your running form.

Simple Dynamic Warm Up ( 30sec-1 minute each)

  • Butt kicks

  • High knees

  • Forward and side to side leg swings

  • Forward lunge with trunk rotation

  • Side Lunge

Reason #4: It prepares you mentally.

As the saying goes, “You can do whatever you set your mind to.” Planning and reviewing your workout plan, getting in the zone, and envisioning your goal better equips you to put in maximum effort and energy. Make the most of the block of time you’ve allotted yourself.

Reason #5: It helps prevent injury.

A consistent warm up (and cool down) practice can do wonders to help prevent injury. Making the time to integrate the appropriate, exercise-specific movements prepares the body, and allows it to restore balance, potentially preventing the unforeseen that could otherwise sideline you for days, weeks or even longer. If you play tennis, golf, basketball, or really any sport that requires faster movements, trust the warm up process will reduce risk of injury.

Let our Doctors of Physical Therapy here at ASR Physical Therapy help you develop the best warm up, active recovery, and corrective exercise routines, tailored to your unique goals and activities. Our board certified orthopedic Physical Therapists can help you achieve your goals. The clinic is conveniently located in Sunset Harbor in the heart of Miami Beach, Florida. Stop living in pain and get back to doing what you love to do. Be sure to check our social media and blog updates for regular wellness inspiration and information!


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